Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Girl Code

The Girl Code. An established code, a womans law that "every girl should follow"? Yeah okay. The Girl Code comes in a form of rules. Number one being the most important, of course. What seems to be on the top of every list, is boyfriends. Guys, boys, men, whatever you want to call them, they all influence a girl at some point in her life. Whether it has a big impact or doesn't make a difference.

Once you hit the age where boys are your whole life... well some of us hit that age before we entered the doors of kindergarten, anyways, boys take over. They can change everything about you, and make you crazy. We get so paranoid when they don't text us back right away or liked another girl's status on Facebook. They mess with your mind, til you've completely lost it. Some may even find themselves following these boys home. Weird. Would you want someone being so obsessed that they FOLLOW YOU TO YOUR HOUSE?! Ha, didn't think so.

One way to stop yourself from complete craziness is your girls. The girls who know what makes you tic, and all your deepest darkest secrets. Trick is, if they spill any of that information to anyone they weren't assigned to, there shoved to the side and forgotten. Well, thats how the girl code is supposed to work. It clearly states that the penalty for exposing a secret to an unauthorized party shall be exile from Girlville. Um, whats Girlville? Can someone please point me in the direction of this place because it's never been a location on my map. But then again, I've never been good at reading maps. Its understandable to say that if a friend tells your personal information, you should be upset with them, but all these outlines of who you can and cannot date is a waste of time. Boys will be boys and the boy you fall for is out of your hands. What you choose to do with those feelings are totally up to you, but your friends should not make your decisions. Yes, your friends should have a say in who you date because they see him a different way than you do but remember that they are only there for support. You should still listen to what they have to say but don't feel like you have to do what they told you. If they are really following the girl code, they will never leave a girlfriend behind.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog, but it was really hard to follow for me. Sometimes you would trail off into another subject randomly and then quickly go back to your old subject. Also, there are a few punctuation and spelling errors I noticed. Other then that good job!
