Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The world is a big place. We think that people make a big influence, and that the more money you have, the bigger person you are. Everyone is in a big competition for the biggest house, the biggest diamond rings, the most expensive clothes, the highest heels, the longest legs, the prettiest hair, the best body. Why do we only see the big things? Is it because everyone is striving to get the best things? I think it is. My school director opened my eyes with a story. She talked about her son wanting one red leaf from a tree. I look out the window and see millions of leaves on the tree. What is so special about that one leaf? Well, each leaf contributes to the millions of leaves on the tree. Imagine if we took one leaf from every tree in Canada, we would end up with a lot of leaves. The little things are often the best in life. Little things can offer big performances. My friend, Andie loves skittles. They aren't even the size of my fingernail but its what makes her happy. My other friend, Evan loves his little bunny. That's all it takes to make him happy. Me? Well, this might sound a little different, but I like Justin Bieber. He's small but he has a big voice that sings to many. So, take a look around and focus on the little things. You'll see what you've been missing.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Cassie, I love the beginning of this post. Incredibly insightful and very well written. Nice work!
