Friday, January 22, 2010

Da da da daaaaaaaaaa. When I hear this sound, I think of super heroes! (you might have to sing it out loud to get the full effect). People like Superman, Spiderman, Batman... they are all men. What about women? Catwoman, Wonderwoman... and now... BIEBERWOMAN! Oh yes, this JUSTIN (get it, Justin Bieber, this just in.) there is a new hero surfing the skies. She goes from cloud to cloud spreading the word of Bieber love and making the world a better place one belieber at a time. Yes I did say belieber.

A belieber is someone who strongly believes in Justin Bieber and always will. Someone who puts his songs on repeat, and never gets bored of them. Someone who will stand up for Justin when other boys make fun of him. C'mon boys, you know you're just jealous of his amazing looks, heavenly voice, and the ability to get girls wherever he goes.

I would be Bieberwoman because I want more people to appreciate Justin's music like I do. Bieberwoman is trying to make that possible. People need to realize for that every hater there is at least 5 lovers of Justin Bieber.


  1. i love you girl:)
    this is funnnnnay! i like the beginning a lot:)

  2. That is so ffffffffffuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyy!
    only you could come up with something that silly
